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Economics and Benefits Analysis

News & Updates

Important Updates!

Thank you for being a member of the Economics and Benefits Analysis Specialty Group of the Society for Risk Analysis! We have several important updates for you.

New EBASG Executive Committee 2024: It is our pleasure to announce Ernani Choma from Harvard University as Chair, Omer Keskin from SUNY at Albany as Vice-Chair, and Mike Eber from Harvard University as Secretary/Treasurer. They join Unal Tatar from SUNY at Albany as Immediate Past Chair and Aliya Sassi from FDA and Lizzi Quin from FDA as Past-Chair. Feel free to contact any of us with your ideas, questions, suggestions, or concerns. We look forward to hearing from you!

Coffee Hour: The EBASG Committee is hosting a virtual coffee hour on EBASG Planning for 2024 on March 7, 2024 at 1pm ET. Please follow this link to join the meeting (Meeting ID: 983 9509 9694 Passcode: 906321). All SRA members are welcome to join this virtual coffee hour. If you have questions, please email Ernani Choma at echoma@hsph.harvard.edu.

Congratulations to EBASG members Aliya Sassi, Brianna Bace, Lisa Robinson, and Mike Eber on receiving SRA 2023 Awards and Recognition: At the SRA Annual Meeting, EBASG member Aliya Sassi received the 2023 Outstanding Practitioner Award. The award recognizes her longstanding and distinguished career and sustained active engagement in SRA, which has been invaluable.

In addition, EBASG student member Brianna Bace received the EBASG Student Merit Award for her paper Analysis of a Federal Response to Catastrophic Cyber Risk from a Cyber Insurance Perspective. EBASG student member Mike Eber received a Student Travel Award to attend the Annual Meeting.

Finally, SRA members Lisa Robinson and Mike Eber received a 2023 Best Paper Award for their study coauthored with Maddalena Ferranna, Daniel Cadarette, and David Bloom titled The benefits and costs of U.S. employer COVID-19 vaccine mandates.

Please join us in congratulating Aliya, Brianna, Lisa, and Mike!

Society for Benefit Cost Analysis 2024 Annual Conference: We hope you join us for the Society for Benefit-Cost Analysis annual conference, which will be held on March 18-19 in person in Washington, DC, and April 4-5 online. The in-person meetings will feature three distinguished plenary sessions with Catherine Wolfram and Stéphane Straub. The program includes an exciting mix of research presentations, roundtable discussions, and innovative sessions as well as opportunities for networking. Additional information can be found here.