Thursday, December 8, 2022 with Neal Fann and Ken Davidson (8AM-12PM)
The environmental Benefits Mapping and Analysis Program (BenMAP) is used by the U.S. EPA and analysts throughout the world to quantify and monetize the benefits of improved air quality. Analysts have used different versions of the BenMAP tool for nearly 20 years to support air quality management plans, estimate the burden of poor air quality and characterize the distribution of air quality among vulnerable populations.
This year, the U.S. EPA released a cloud-based version of the tool. As compared to the desktop version, BenMAP in the cloud: (1) can be run on Windows, Mac and Linux computers; and, (2) calculates impacts more quickly.
This half-day class will introduce students to this cloud-based version of the tool. Students will learn: (1) the key principles of air pollution benefits assessment, including how to interpret health impact results generated by BenMAP-CE; (2) how to use the online tool to estimate the number and economic value of air pollution effects.