Untitled Design (25)
Risk Communication

Annual Award for Excellence

in Risk Communication Research and Practice

“One cannot rely on undisciplined speculation about the beliefs or motivations of other people. One cannot expect to quiet a raging controversy with a few hastily prepared messages. One cannot assume that expensively produced communications will work without technically competent evaluations. Those who ignore these issues may be the problem, as much as the risk is.”

– Baruch Fischhoff (1995)

Novel and impactful contributions to risk communication are hard won and vital to evolving the field. Excellent research and practice therefore deserve to be recognized. The Risk Communication Specialty Group (RCSG) of the Society for Risk Analysis offers the Annual Award for  Excellence in Risk Communication Research and Practice. The award recognizes the outstanding  contribution of an RCSG member during the previous calendar year to the scholarship and/or practice of  risk communication. Unlike a lifetime achievement award, this award is meant to recognize recent,  noteworthy, or cutting-edge contributions by scholars and practitioners alike at any stage in their career. These contributions may take diverse forms including but not limited to: research (e.g., published reports, books, or peer reviewed journal articles), service (e.g., involvement in community outreach, consulting, or advocacy), or teaching (e.g., exemplary teaching or mentoring). 

We invite nominations of RCSG members engaged in risk communication-related work in contexts such as: (1) colleges or universities (e.g., faculty, graduate students); (2) government agencies; (3) non-profit agencies; or (4) for-profit businesses.

In 2024, we will honor one outstanding RCSG member as the recipient of this award. Do you know an accomplished risk communication colleague who deserves recognition?

Nomination Process 

  • Fill out the online form by November 15, 2024, at 11:59 pm (ET) with the nominee’s name, affiliation, contact information, as well as your information;
  • You will be asked to submit a brief (250 words) statement describing why your nominee deserves the award in 2024. You may also submit the name of an additional reference for the nomination in case of a close decision.

Self-nominations will not be accepted. Preference will be given to nominees whose notable contributions took place within the previous year (between November 15, 2023, and November 15, 2024).

The RCSG  Board of Officers will review nominations and consult with past RCSG chairs to evaluate the nominees. The Board will select a winner and recognize that person and their achievements at the RCSG meeting during the 2024 Society for Risk Analysis Annual Meeting.

Submit nominations by following this link. Contact Dr. Sara K. Yeo (Chair of the RCSG) with any questions: sara.yeo@utah.edu.