Widespread use of masks remains the primary tool for combating COVID-19 and economic shutdowns, cost benefit analysis suggests government subsidies for masks bear great returns Recent FDA chief Dr. Scott Gottlieb argued that he’d “rather try to get everyone in masks” and “try to get them in high-quality masks because we know it’s going to […]
It’s time to make plans to join SRA for our virtual Annual Meeting, December 13-17, 2020. Registration for the meeting is now open, and we encourage you to register and encourage your colleagues and peers to do so as well! Interested in attending a virtual workshop? We have several workshops being offered in a virtual format this year. Our […]
Below you will find the bios and goal statements for each of the nominees for next year’s Council. Please take a moment to review each of the documents before casting your vote. Please check your email for access to the ballot. President Elect Ragnar Löfstedt | Jacqueline MacDonald Gibson Secretary Amanda Boyd | Janet Yang […]
Submissions for poster presentations at this year’s virtual meeting are now being accepted. The Society for Risk Analysis (SRA) invites your late breaking abstracts for poster presentations at the 2020 SRA Annual Meeting, December 13-17. This year’s meeting will be virtual and we will be accommodating any presenters who need to pre-record their presentations due to time zone conflicts. This […]
Current poultry food safety guidelines for Salmonella, the leading cause of foodborne illness outbreaks, are inadequate. A new study conducted by Thomas Oscar, USDA Agricultural Research Service, “Salmonella prevalence alone is not a good indicator of poultry food safety,” published in Risk Analysis, explores additional factors that must be considered in order to identify poultry […]
The Society for Risk Analysis (SRA), the world’s leading authority on risk sciences and its applications, is hosting a webinar on Thursday, June 11 at 11 a.m. ET to discuss the latest research on aerosol transmission of COVID-19. The discussion will be hosted by Seth Guikema, Ph.D., president of the Society, and will feature senior […]