Sunday, December 4, 2022 with Akiya Simms (8AM-12PM)
The judicial and wise exercise of power under the contractual agreement will continue to garner public support. Additionally, the lack of distributional equity and value creation can impact an organization’s legitimacy as stakeholders can withdraw trust, thus terminating mutual contractual agreements. Therefore, the degree to which systemic governance should influence public policy pertains to the broad segments of citizens and other entities who influence and bring value to the policies and agreements. Though the high profile of public status can involve restrictive change management opportunities for government agencies and nonprofit organizations, this perception can also warrant overwhelming transparency. Therefore, we seek to evaluate and identify basic contractual technologies/methods supporting Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) programs. We will consider transparency, distributional equity, and systemic value creation supporting all stakeholder activities. Participants will evaluate subsequent mitigation of Regulatory, Financial, Political, and Reputational risk factors.