Roundtable Submission Guidelines

Submission deadline: June 1, 2024

General information

For SRA’s annual meeting, to be held in Washington, DC, abstract submissions are limited to 1 talk (this includes oral presentation, roundtable or symposium presentation) or 1 poster per presenting author. This limitation arises from the fact that we have limited time and space at the in-person conference. 

Roundtable length and format

The title may be up to 100 characters and is limited to plain textThe roundtable description section is limited to 750 words. Abstracts longer than this will be truncated by the system. The X-CD text box allows for italicized text, subscript, and superscript, so the use of HTML tags is not necessary. We do not allow bolded, underlined, colorful text. Do not include hyperlinks in your abstracts. All text should be “default” font size and style. 

Step 1

If you submitted an abstract of any type last year, login as an existing user.  If you did not submit last year then create a new account.

Step 2

Select SRA 2023 Roundtable Submission. 

Step 3

From the next screen select CLICK HERE TO START, this will take you to the submission form, click Start Roundtable and continue the process of submitting.  You must choose from the drop down menus or click boxes before you add your description.  Once this is entered you must:

  • Enter your Roundtable description (up to 750 words) in the Description box.
  • Next type in your session chair
  • Next add in your panelist(s), if they are already in the system they will appear in a dropdown menu, if not you will need to Add Contact.  You must have their first and last name and email address.  They will get an email saying they were added to a roundtable.