Symposium Submission Guidelines

Submission deadline: June 1, 2024

General information

For SRA’s annual meeting, to be held in Washington, DC, abstract submissions are limited to 1 talk (this includes an oral presentation, roundtable or symposium presentation) or 1 poster per presenting author. This limitation arises from the fact that we have limited time and space at the in-person conference. 

Symposium length and format

The title may be up to 100 characters and is limited to plain textThe symposium description section is limited to 250 words. Descriptions longer than this will be truncated by the system. The X-CD text box allows for italicized text, subscript, and superscript, so the use of HTML tags is not necessary. We do not allow bolded, underlined, colorful text. Do not include hyperlinks in your descriptions. All text should be “default” font size and style. 

Submit a Symposium

Step 1

You will be prompted to log into your account from last year for X-CD (the abstract collection system) or you can create a new account if you are new to the system. This login IS NOT THE SAME AS YOUR SRA MEMBERSHIP. These are two separate systems with separate logins.

Step 2

Select 2023 SRA Symposium Submission. 

Step 3

From the next screen select CLICK HERE TO START, this will take you to the submission form, click Start Symposium and continue the process of submitting.  You must choose from the drop down menus or click boxes before you add your description.  Once this is entered you must:

  • Enter your Symposium description (up to 250 words) in the Description box.
  • Next Choose a Primary Specialty group and Click to Submit your Symposium
  • You should then see the window below and you can now add your presenters/presentations for your session.
Symposium Saved

Step 4

Click on ‘Manage Presentations’ to add up to 5 presentations into your Symposium 

  • You will then add the number of presentations in your session. Four or five is a complete session. If you have 3 or less, the Program Committee will add additional abstracts to make a complete session.
Select Number Submissions

Step 5

Once you have selected the number of presentations in your session, you will then add the title of each presentation and the name of the presenter. If they are already in the system, you can pull them up by last name. Otherwise you will add a new contact. 

Presentation Title
  • Once you submit, all of your presenters will receive an email to add their abstract. You also have the option to add their abstract yourself.

Registration deadline

In order for your submission to be included in the Final Program, you must register for the meeting by September. Registration will be open by August.