World Congress

Society for Risk Analysis Sixth World Congress on Risk: Emerging and Systemic Risks

The Society for Risk Analysis (SRA) ( invites your abstracts for presentations at the Sixth World Congress on Risk.  The meeting will feature scientific workshops and presentations focused on “Emerging and Systemic Risks.” The three-day event, running April 23-25, 2025, will be held at the Es Saadi Marrakech Resort in Marrakesh, Morocco.   

Previous SRA World Congress events have been held in Brussels, Sydney, Guadalajara, Singapore, and Cape Town and have included representatives from more than 40 nations.  Participants have included engineers, scientists, practitioners, regulators, and decision-makers who rely on diverse disciplines—from engineering and mathematics to the natural sciences to behavioral economics—to address pervasive risks. Participating institutions have included governments, industries, consulting firms, nongovernment organizations, academic institutions, and others. Topics addressed in conference sessions have spanned from geopolitical conflict to infrastructure failure, natural disasters, food safety, climate change, environmental pollution, biodiversity loss, chemical safety, occupational safety, financial risk, and more.   Participants have common interests in quantifying or communicating risks using innovative analytical tools, data visualization methods, and research translation techniques. 

The Sixth SRA World Congress on Risk is accepting abstracts on any topic related to risk analysis, characterization, perception, communication, management, governance, or policy. We are interested in risks at the individual to global scales, from humans to the biosphere and everything in between.  We welcome underrepresented and underserved communities, and we welcome abstracts from scholars and practitioners around the globe. 

While abstracts on all subjects related to risk analysis will be accepted, the conference keynote and plenary sessions will focus on the use of risk analysis to support effective governance, equitable outcomes, and institution-building. Keynote speakers will include leading scholars and policy professionals from the Middle East and North Africa region.  The conference location in a region that has served as an international crossroads for millennia is especially well suited to host discussions among global thought leaders.   Special sessions also will focus on enhancing participation of under-represented groups (including scientists from developing countries and women) in the risk analysis field.  Global exchanges of knowledge at this event are especially relevant during an era of existential threats from climate change, global pandemic disease, and diminishing supplies of traditional energy and other natural resources.   Linking economic growth to just and sustainable economic and human development is an ongoing challenge of major importance for world.  Conference participants will explore how risk analysis is already being used, and how its use can be amplified, to improve the quality of life for all of humankind.

Abstract deadline has been extended to December 2, 2024

For questions, contact Co-Chairs: Frederic Bouder or Jacqueline MacDonald Gibson