Within the last year, leaders and members of SRA created SRA’s very own Risk Analysis Quality Test.
This document presents a number of tests to be used to evaluate the quality of risk analyses supporting risk management decisions. Each test is presented as a challenging question. We title this document Risk Analysis Quality Test, singular, to emphasize that this is a “battery” of tests, to stipulate that all of these be applied, not just any subset. More broadly, we are saying that risk analysis quality is defined by, is tested by, all of these tests, not just any subset.
All of these tests are consistent with and supported by three iconic documents found on the SRA website: Risk Analysis: Fundamental Principles; Society for Risk Analysis Glossary; and Core Subjects of Risk Analysis.
The RAQT is a battery of questions intended to improve the quality of risk analyses done in support of risk management decisions. The RAQT is a work in progress, is provided “as is”, and may be revised based on feedback and further evaluation. SRA makes no representations or warranties of any kind and disclaims all responsibility concerning the suitability, inaccuracies, typographical errors, or other potentially harmful components in the RAQT and further disclaims all warranties, express or implied, including but not limited to warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and noninfringement. Successful completion of the RAQT should not be used as a definitive statement about the quality of a risk analysis. In no event will SRA be liable for any claim for damages, direct or indirect, incidental, special, punitive, or consequential, however caused and on any theory of liability, whether in contract, tort or otherwise, arising from the use of, or inability to use, or otherwise in connection with the RAQT, or from any action or decision taken as a result of using the RAQT.
Any software implementation of the question battery includes inherent dangers which are present in the use of any software, and the user is solely responsible for determining whether the RAQT software implementation is compatible with the user’s equipment or other software installed on the user’s equipment. SRA makes no representation or warranties of any kind and disclaims all responsibility concerning any software implementation of the RAQT, extending to such issues as viruses and data privacy.
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