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Felicia Wu Michigan State University John A. Hannah Distinguished Professor, University Distinguished Professor
Robert Waller Protect Heritage Corp. President and Senior Risk Analyst
Shital Thekdi University of Richmond Professor of Analytics and Operations; Robins School of Business
Patrick Gurian Drexel University, CAEE Dept. Professor
Michael L. Dourson Toxicology Excellence for Risk Assessment Director of Science
Lisa A. Robinson Harvard University, Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health Deputy Director, Center for Health Decision Science; Senior Research Scientist, Center for Health Decision Science and Center for Risk Analysis
Dr. David S. Bowles RAC Engineers and Economists, LLC and Utah State University Managing Principal and Professor Emeritus
Dr Tom Logan Urban Intelligence Technical Director and Co-Founder
Dr Emma Soane London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) Associate Professor
Angela Bearth HF Partners CEO/Partner
Dr Emma Soane London School of Economics and Political Science Associate Professor